My Sites
These are all the sites I currently look after: - Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page
Description: My main and largest site. Also the first site I ever created. A versatile and extensive official fansite dedicated to Simon MacCorkindale, started in April 2007 on my domain. The site became very large and was moved to a dedicate domain in 2009
Contains: Members forum, image and video gallery, articles and interviews with Simon
Updates: I still have thousands of images, as well as a number of video clips to add. I'm always looking for 'new' magazines with interviews or photos. I'm also on the look out for films and TV shows with Simon in which I don't already have.
Description: Casualty Screen cap gallery. This was built when I had extra screen caps when making them for SMCFP.
Contains: A video and image gallery
Updates: Layout updated June 2014. I'm unlikely to add any more to the gallery. Fanlistings
Description: This is the front page for my fanlistings. I currently own 7 fanlistings and have joined a couple hundred!
Contains: Links to various fanlistings
Updates: As and when I join more - She Wolf of London
Description: A small sites dedicate to the 90's TV series She Wolf of London.
Contains: Fanlisting, a full series screen cap gallery and links to other SWOL related sites
Updates: Screen caps gallery is completed, over 7000 images. Need to update a few image descriptions to make finding some images easier. - Counterstrike
Description: A site for the 90's series Counterstrike staring Christopher Plummer.
Contains: Fanlisting and a screen cap gallery currently covering half of season 1. Also contains a few closing monologues as video(?), must edit that to audio . . .
Updates: Screen caps for seasons 2 and 3 will be coming but no ETA at present
Notes: The series was never aired in the UK. Search for it on YouTube to discover few episodes ;) - Simon MacCorkindale
Description: An extension of the Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page
Contains: Fanlisting - Simon MacCorkindale and Susan George
Description: A couple of pages celebrating the relationship between Simon and his wife Susan
Contains: Fanlisting - Manimal
Description: A small fanlisting for the 80's TV show Manimal.
Contains: Fanlisting and a small promo gallery
Updates: A full season screen cap gallery is coming - Harry Harper
Description: Harry Harper was 'King of Resus' on BBC's Casualty from 2002-2008.
Contains: Fanlisting, a bio and trivia on the character
Updates: Need to complete bio and trivia, only up to series 18 at present - Alex and Peter
Description: A site dedicated to the father/son relationship shared by Alex and Peter in Counterstrike
Contains: Fanlisting - Sleuth
Description: Sleuth mini-site. Only a couple of pages
Contains: Basic into about the play, locations and reviews
Updates: More reviews to follow
Description: You are here
Contains: links to my other sites. Decided to finally use this as a personal site, contains an uninteresting blog and personal photo gallery
Notes: Used to contain the Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page

I also manage the various Facebook and Twitter for some of these sites as well as a couple more I help others with.
I have no idea what I'm doing so its just trail and error :)