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DSCN0209.jpgAnya274 views

DSCF1365.JPGTrinity College274 views

DSCF1268.JPGLondon Eye274 views

DSC_2320.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour274 viewsBacklot, Riddle grave stone

1-0-4-capsmenu.jpgOriginal Layout - Menus274 viewsVery simple design. The bar in the header is still there in our current layout though with a few minor changes. Fixed position background. Basic html and little CSS. No Simon in the background or header.

DSC_2484.JPGRoyal Opera House274 views

sw-com.jpgV1 - Index274 viewsThis is the first original layout for this site, before that it had the same layout as The 'bow' shape in the background is my initials. First use of Google fonts. Decide to use this as a personal site for the first time in 7 years

prog-0016.jpgZoo Programme274 viewsLondon Zoo

DSC_2848.JPGPigeon 274 views

DSC_3464.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour274 viewsHogmead Village model

DSC_5912.JPGView from Staubbach Falls274 views

DSC_1311.JPGImperial War Museum273 views

DSC_1894.JPGNatural History Museum273 views

DSC_1334.JPGView from London Eye273 views

DSC_2296.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour273 viewsVoldemort and Deatheater costumes

DSC_2305.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour273 viewsUmbridge costumes

DSC_2481.JPGCovent Gardens Market273 views

IMG_0099.JPGMagpie273 viewsA family of magpies have been raising their young in the courtyard at work. 3 babies at play

IMG_0095.JPGMagpie273 viewsA family of magpies have been raising their young in the courtyard at work. They like sleeping above the back door

DSCF1450.JPGSheldonian Theatre - Creepy Statue273 views

DSC_7129.JPGWorld Cup Football's though-out the years273 views

DSC_7268.JPG273 views

DSC_7456.JPGStatue 273 views

DSC_8081a.JPGCentral Hall Westminster273 views

101_0068.JPGDuckie272 views

DSCN0128.JPGWillow272 views

Willow_-_004.JPGWillow272 views

Windsor06-09-12-0008.JPGWindsor Castle272 views

101_0085.JPGDavid Walliams Thames Swim272 viewsComing into Caversham Lock

1-2-2-capsmenu.jpgOriginal Layout272 viewsSection layout when housed on

IMG_0113.JPGHarwich - Coastal View272 views

DSC_2665.JPGSouthampton Walls - Sign272 views

IMG_0622.JPGChichester - City Walls Info272 views

prog-0003.jpgPlanetarium Programme272 viewsLondon Planetarium

prog-0012.jpgTheatre Programme272 viewsMousetrap 60th Anniversary Tour

DSC_2958.JPGMandarin Duck272 views

DSC_3032.JPGBird Carving272 views

DSC_3417.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour272 viewsKreacher

DSC_8210.JPGTudor House272 views

DSC_8041a.JPG272 viewsCan't find where I took this, it's somewhere between The Eye and Lambeth Bridge
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