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DSC_2396.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour239 viewsDiagon Alley, Olivanders

DSCF1369.JPGHockey Shirt239 views

fan-hp-0001.jpgRavenclaw Badge239 views

DSC_3082.JPGSeagulls and Mandarin Duck239 views

DSC_3041.JPGCrocuses239 views

DSC_3089.JPGFeather239 views

DSC_4182.JPGDuckie239 views

DSC_6400a.JPGFlags239 views

DSC_6364.JPGView and Snow at Birg239 views

DSC_5959.JPGBridge239 views

DSC_0298.JPGSaint Christopher Necklace238 viewsPresent for both Godsons. Each engraved with their name on the reverse

DSC_1317.JPGImperial War Museum238 views

DSCN0818.JPGLondon Eye238 views

DSC_2228.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour238 viewsGreat Hall, Hagrid and Filch costume. House points system

DSC_2237.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour238 viewsTriwizard Tournament Ball costumes

DSC_2370.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour238 viewsCreature effects, Thestral

1-0-4smcindex.jpgOriginal Layout - Index238 viewsVery simple design. The bar in the header is still there in our current layout though with a few minor changes. Fixed position background. Basic html and little CSS. No Simon in the background or header.

1-2-2-capsmain.jpgV1 - Gallery238 viewsVery simple design. The bar in the header is still there in our current layout though with a few minor changes. Fixed position background. Basic html and little CSS

1-2-2-vidsmain.jpgV1 - Videos238 viewsVery simple design. The bar in the header is still there in our current layout though with a few minor changes. Fixed position background. Back html and little CSS

DSC_2535.JPGTower of London238 views

DSC_2540.JPGTower of London238 views

2006_10-03_-_002.jpgOld scrapbook - 'Full length mirror'238 viewsNever tell your kid 'here do something with these', they will :)

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DSC_3970.JPGLiberty's Centre - Hawk238 views

DSC_3985.JPGLiberty's Centre - Hawk238 views

DSC_3104.JPGMoss238 views

IMG_1032.JPGVictoria and Albert Museum238 views

DSC_4594.JPGPelican238 views

DSC_4574.JPGSquirrel238 views

DSC_6877.JPGCool mushroom238 views

DSC_6898.JPGClover238 views

DSC_7439.JPGCarving238 views

DSC_8890.JPGMeerkat238 viewsCuddle Puddle

DSC_1441.JPGGizmo237 viewsFalling over scratching

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