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1-0-4-vidsmenu.jpgOriginal Layout242 viewsVery simple design. The bar in the header is still there in our current layout though with a few minor changes. Fixed position background. Basic html and little CSS. No Simon in the background or header.

DSC_2853.JPGSwan242 views

DSC_3264.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour242 viewsClock tower

DSC_4225.JPGSwans242 views

DSC_4324.JPGNatural History Museum242 views

DSC_5632a.JPGZytglogge242 views

IMG_1278.JPGView from Murren 242 viewsView when we arrived in the morning

DSC_6057.JPGHünegg Castle242 views

DSC_8087.JPGCentral Hall Westminster242 views

DSC_0236.JPG241 views

DSC_2247.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour241 viewsHogwarts gates

1-2-0-capsmenu.jpgV1 - More improvements - Gallery241 viewsVery simple design. The bar in the header is still there in our current layout though with a few minor changes. Fixed position background. Basic html and little CSS

1-2-0-smcindex.jpgV1 - More improvements - Index241 viewsVery simple design. The bar in the header is still there in our current layout though with a few minor changes. Fixed position background. Basic html and little CSS

DSC_2486.JPGRoyal Opera House241 views

DSC_2670.JPGSouthampton Walls241 views

pcard-0025.jpgFight the Future Postcard241 views

DSC_2871.JPGSquirel241 views

DSC_3321.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour241 viewsHorcruxes

IMG_0767a.JPGCountry Side241 views

DSC_3616.JPGOrchid241 views

DSC_4339.JPGNatural History Museum241 views

DSC_6892.JPG241 views

IMG_1215.JPGCarved tree241 views

DSC_5954.JPGWater241 views

DSC_5981.JPGFountain241 views

DSC_0857.JPGGizmo240 viewsCan I eat this?

DSC_1307.JPGImperial War Museum240 views

DSC_2478.JPGSt Paul's Church240 viewsAlso known as the actors church

DSC_2666.JPGSouthampton Walls240 views

2004_09-06_004.jpgOld scrapbook - Books and CDs240 viewsA few fandom bits, lots of books and plush toys

DSC_5373.JPGStaubbach Falls240 views

DSC_7161.JPGFootball boots through the years240 views

DSC_7401.JPGGrossmünster240 views

DSC_7478.JPGCarving240 views

tkt-0107.jpgTravel Ticket240 views

ZSL15-07-09-145.JPGZSL London Zoo239 views

Spike_-_019.JPGSpike239 views

DSC_0211.JPG239 views

101_0081.JPGDavid Walliams Thames Swim239 viewsComing into Caversham Lock

DSC_1003.JPGSnow239 views
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