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DSC_7189.JPGHome-made footballs252 views

DSC_8379.JPGRiver Ouse252 views

DSC_8498.JPGBudgie Smugglers252 views

DSC_8831.JPGSnowy Owl252 viewsHedwig

DSC_8565.JPG252 views

DSC_8528.JPGBeale Park252 views

ZSL15-07-09-119.JPGZSL London Zoo - Flamingo251 views

DSC_1225-1.JPGGizmo251 viewsTOUNGE!

DSC_1316.JPGImperial War Museum251 views

DSC_2409.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour251 viewsArt department, Staircases model

swol.jpgShe Wolf of London Fanlisting251 viewsMy first fanlisting. Stock images for header and footer with colour changes. Header, footer and 2 columns layout

IMG_0105.JPGMagpie251 viewsA family of magpies have been raising their young in the courtyard at work. They like sleeping above the back door

DSCF1452.JPGFormer City of Oxford High School251 views

DSC_2984.JPGEgyptian Goose251 views

DSC_6390.JPGView from Gimmelwald251 views

DSC_5450.JPGRiver Lütschine at Lauterbrunnen251 views

DSC_6138.JPGOberhofen Castle251 views

DSC_8292.JPGEly Cathedral251 views

Willow_-_015.JPGWillow250 views

DSC_0795.JPGGizmo250 views

DSC_1122.JPGGizmo250 viewsHaving a clean

sleuth.jpgSleuth - Mini site250 views1 column, header is part of the back ground image. Rotated text on photos (not IE :( )

IMG_0554.JPGRomsey Abbey250 views

fan-hp-0002.jpgSlytherin Badge250 views

DSC_3156.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour250 viewsFord Anglia in Front of House

DSC_4196.JPGCoot - Female250 views

DSC_6499.JPGMASSIVE Cow Bells250 views

DSC_7085.JPGFIFA Museum250 viewsThis room is smaller than you think. You will walk into mirrors :)

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IMG_2134.JPGYork Minster from City Walls250 views

DSCN0210.jpgAnya249 views

Gizmo01-09-09-018.JPGGizmo249 viewsIf I fits, I sits

DSCN0653.JPG249 views

IMG_0611.JPGSaint Richard249 views

IMG_1019.JPGVictoria and Albert Museum249 viewsMy knight in shining armour . . . no, wait, some shining armour :)

DSC_6908a.JPGStatue249 views

DSCN0221.JPGWillow248 views

DSCN0314.JPGAnya248 views

DSC_1319.JPGImperial War Museum248 views
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