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DSC_6974.JPGStatue268 views

ZSL15-07-09-132.JPGZSL London Zoo - Meerkat267 views

DSCN0594.JPGWillow267 views

DSC_0797.JPGGizmo267 views

DSC_1867.JPGNatural History Museum267 views

DSC_2307.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour267 viewsUmbridge's Ministry Office

DSC_2429.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour267 viewsHogwarts model, greenhouses

DSC_5966.JPGRiver Aare at Thun267 views

DSC_6005.JPGPS Blümlisalp Paddle Steamer267 views

101_0066.JPGDuckie266 views

DSC_2404.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour266 viewsDiagon Alley, Madame Malkins

cs.jpgCounterstrike Fanlisting266 viewsHeader, footer and 2 columns layout.
The header was supposed to be a 'TV' effect, I don't think it worked

DSC_2110a.JPGTiny Frog266 views

IMG_0614.JPGChichester Cathedral266 views

2004_09-06_006.jpgOld scrapbook - Postcards266 viewsProof a lot of this was on my walls. Mostly postcards and few fandom bits

fan-hp-0004.jpgHufflepuff Badge266 views

DSC_1686.JPGGizmo266 views

DSC_3745.JPGHenley Regatta Rowers266 views

DSC_5944.JPGWeir266 views

DSC_7614.JPGTate Britain266 views

IMG_2156.JPGWorthing Beach266 viewsVery wet August day

DSCN0610.JPGWillow265 views

Willow_-_034.JPGWillow265 views

DSC_0008.JPGGizmo265 views

Gizmo05-09-09-002.JPGGizmo265 viewsMy food is bigger than me

IMG_0212.JPGGizmo265 viewsThe paper bag says 'Happy Inside', he was VERY happy :)

DSC_1871.JPGNatural History Museum265 views

DSC_2475.JPGSt Paul's Church265 viewsAlso known as the actors church

DSC_2664.JPGSouthampton Walls - West Gate265 views

IMG_0619.JPGChichester - Bell Tower265 views

IMG_0621.JPGChichester - City Walls Sign265 views

prog-0009.jpgExhibition Programme265 viewsTitanic Artifacts

prog-0013.jpgConvention Programme265 viewsStar Trek - Destination London

DSC_2737.JPGWestminster - Statue265 views

DSC_3939.JPGLiberty's Centre - Hawk265 views

DSC_4477.JPGLondon Eye265 views

DSC_6957.JPGMountain265 views

DSC_7061.JPGJules Rimmet World Cup265 views

DSCN0631.JPGWillow264 views

DSC_2272.JPGHarry Potter Studio Tour264 views
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