Last additions - Web Design |
sw-net2-0-0VC.jpgV2 - Video Clips388 viewsSite current layout. Built from scratch but kept purple as main colour%524 %28, %2014
sw-net2-0-0SC.jpgV2 - Screen Caps376 viewsSite current layout. Built from scratch but kept purple as main colour%524 %28, %2014
sw-net1-0-0VC.jpgV1 - Video Clips392 viewsSite first layout when section moved to %28, %2014
sw-net1-0-0SC.jpgV1 - Screen Caps392 viewsSite first layout when section moved to %28, %2014
sw-net2-0-0.jpgV2 - Index387 viewsSite current layout. Built from scratch but kept purple as main colour%524 %28, %2014
sw-com.jpgV1 - Index274 viewsThis is the first original layout for this site, before that it had the same layout as The 'bow' shape in the background is my initials. First use of Google fonts. Decide to use this as a personal site for the first time in 7 years%524 %28, %2014
sw-net1-0-0.jpgV1 - Index390 viewsSite first layout when section moved to %12, %2014
sw-net.jpgV1 - Index389 viewsSite first layout when section moved to %12, %2014
sw-net-ori.jpgOriginal - Index352 viewsSection layout when housed on %12, %2014
sgnet.jpgV1 - Index290 viewsBased on the 3 layout, with negative colours and minor changes to the menu%463 %12, %2014
sleuth.jpgSleuth - Mini site249 views1 column, header is part of the back ground image. Rotated text on photos (not IE :( )%463 %12, %2014
smcfp-ideas-000.jpgIdeas before V4193 viewsRounded corners and header/menu ideas%462 %12, %2014
smcfp-ideas-003.jpgIdeas before V4224 viewsIE's 'rounded corners' :(%462 %12, %2014
smcfp-ideas-002.jpgIdeas before V4178 viewsIE's 'rounded corners' :(%462 %12, %2014
smcfp-ideas-001.jpgIdeas before V4166 viewsRounded corners and header/menu ideas%462 %12, %2014
swol.jpgShe Wolf of London Fanlisting249 viewsMy first fanlisting. Stock images for header and footer with colour changes. Header, footer and 2 columns layout%459 %12, %2014
smcfl.jpgSimon MacCorkindale Fanlisting280 viewsSecond layout by me for this to match my main layout. Minor changes needed for the fanlisting%459 %12, %2014
sisu.jpgSusan George and Simon MacCorkindale Fanlisting267 viewsHeader, footer and 2 columns layout. Lyrics from "Up Where We Belong" in the header%459 %12, %2014
pa.jpgAlexander Addington and Peter Sinclair Fanlisting260 viewsHeader, footer and 1 columns layout. New kind of menu used in this layout%459 %12, %2014
hh.jpgHarry Harper Fanlisting288 viewsHeader, footer and 1 columns layout.%459 %12, %2014
man.jpgManimal Fanlisting281 viewsHeader, footer and 2 columns layout.%459 %12, %2014
fanlist.jpgFanlistings index292 viewsHeader, footer and 1 columns layout. 3 column section used for stats - took a while to get all 3 to line up%459 %12, %2014
cs.jpgCounterstrike Fanlisting265 viewsHeader, footer and 2 columns layout.
The header was supposed to be a 'TV' effect, I don't think it worked%459 %12, %2014
4-0-0-gallery.jpgV4 - Gallery209 viewsHeader moved to left and, new header image. New menu with gradient background and shadow text%446 %12, %2014
4-0-0-forum-ie.jpgV4 - Forum194 viewsHeader moved to left and, new header image. New menu with gradient background and shadow text%446 %12, %2014
4-0-0-articles.jpgV4 - Articles202 viewsHeader moved to left and, new header image. New menu with gradient background and shadow text%446 %12, %2014
3-0-0-vidsmenu.jpgV3 - Videos207 viewsFirst v3 layout. Minor menu changes came later with text in blocks and more of a menu look. Header image by Kathie%446 %12, %2014
3-0-0-vidsmain.jpgV3 - Videos189 viewsFirst v3 layout. Minor menu changes came later with text in blocks and more of a menu look. Header image by Kathie%446 %12, %2014
3-0-0-index.jpgV3 - Index209 viewsFirst v3 layout. Minor menu changes came later with text in blocks and more of a menu look. Header image by Kathie%446 %12, %2014
3-0-0-capsmenu.jpgV3 - Gallery190 viewsFirst v3 layout. Minor menu changes came later with text in blocks and more of a menu look. Header image by Kathie%446 %12, %2014
3-0-0-gbook.jpgV3 - Guestbook182 viewsFirst v3 layout. Minor menu changes came later with text in blocks and more of a menu look. Header image by Kathie%446 %12, %2014
3-0-0-capsmain.jpgV3 - Gallery193 viewsFirst v3 layout. Minor menu changes came later with text in blocks and more of a menu look. Header image by Kathie%446 %12, %2014
3-0-0-artsmenu.jpgV3 - Articles Menu179 viewsFirst v3 layout. Minor menu changes came later with text in blocks and more of a menu look. Header image by Kathie. First use of wordpress script%446 %12, %2014
3-0-0-artsmain.jpgV3 - Articles187 viewsFirst v3 layout. Minor menu changes came later with text in blocks and more of a menu look. Header image by Kathie. First use of wordpress script%446 %12, %2014
2-0-0-vidsmenu.jpgV2 - Videos191 viewsFixed position left background. 'Header' image same from v1. Fixed height ayout. First use of gallery script%446 %12, %2014
2-0-0-vidsmain2.jpgV2 - Videos171 viewsFixed position left background. 'Header' image same from v1. Fixed height ayout. First use of gallery script%446 %12, %2014
2-0-0-vidsmain1.jpgV2 - Videos154 viewsFixed position left background. 'Header' image same from v1. Fixed height ayout. First use of gallery script%446 %12, %2014
2-0-0-smcindex.jpgV2 - Articles189 viewsFixed position left background. 'Header' image same from v1. Fixed height ayout%446 %12, %2014
2-0-0-gbook.jpgV2 - Guestbook194 viewsFixed position left background. 'Header' image same from v1. Fixed height ayout%446 %12, %2014
2-0-0-capsmenu2.jpgV2 - Gallery194 viewsFixed position left background. 'Header' image same from v1. Fixed height ayout. First use of gallery script%446 %12, %2014