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Posts Tagged ‘Goals’

2020 Goal Round Up

Sunday, January 3rd, 2021

Obviously not going out this year had a slight impact on this

Overall completion


Books read: 7 out of 10 books, including re-reads.  

Books: Medium articles – total 37 hours (3 books added above)


Films watched: 26 out of 30 films, including re-watches


Seasons Watched: 50 out of 50 full seasons, including re-watches

Just got in with the last episode of Season 1 Grimm on the 31st


Music added to iPod: Add 446 out of 400 tracks


Items added to scrapbook: 57 out of 200


I also completed one of my life goals, I am now in debt to one property

I completed 1,402,369 steps on my fitbit and still logged too many hours on Steam (4939 hours since 2015, 2000 of them on Factorio)

2019 Goal Round Up

Friday, April 10th, 2020

Wooo Hoo, I still suck but did much better than last year.  Everything kind of dropped off from October when I wasn’t at home much

Overall completion


Books read: 7 out of 10 books, including re-reads.  Guess which 7 :(


Films watched: 27 out of 30 films, including re-watches


Seasons Watched: 17 out of 20 full seasons, including re-watches


Music added to iPod: Add 589 out of 600 tracks


Items added to scrapbook: 190 out of 200


2018 Goal Round Up

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

So, last year was bad, this year was even worse. No website goals round up as I did nothing

Overall completion


Books read: 0 out of 15 books, including re-reads


Films watched: 38 out of 35 films, including re-watches


Seasons Watched: 9 out of 30 full seasons, including re-watches


Music added to iPod: Add 166 out of 300 tracks


Items added to scrapbook: 76 out of 200


Most of the reason for me failing these is I’ve logged far too many hours playing games on Steam and similar services.  Averaging over 800 hours per year :(


2017 Goal Round Up

Friday, January 5th, 2018

Personal goals

Overall completion:


Books read: 0 out of 10 books, including re-reads

This includes books started before 2017 and not finished.  Still not re-read the entire Potter books again, therefore I read a grand total of 0 books.  I suck


Films watched: 11 out of 20 films, including re-watches

Not too bad, most films watched in the last week of the year.  Managed to catch Avengers: Age of Ultron, guess I have a few more films to watch now as I have to see what happened/happens


Seasons Watched: 30 out of 30 full seasons, including re-watches

This includes finished half seasons started in 2016, i.e The Walking Dead, NCIS.  Highlights Stranger Things 2 and Major Crimes (Seasons 1-5)


Music added to iPod: Add 236 out of 400 tracks


Website goals:

Overall completion: :( I did absolutely no work on my websites this year. I did move server’s tho, does that count?


Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page –

Added 0 files to the gallery, target was 1000 :(


Added 55 pages and/or posts to the site, target of 25. This was the last of the 10th Birthday posts, all the work was done last year but published this year


Counterstrike Fanlisting –

Finish series 1 screen caps – Completed 0% :(


Manimal Fanlisting –

Complete series screen caps, completed 0 episodes :(


I still cannot skate backwards :( but I did walk nearly 2.5 million steps, only 10k short

Also I think I would have been more productive had I not spent over 500 hours on Steam, tho I am still enjoying Fallout 4 and Factorio.  However this time doesn’t include any games I play on Origin, Uplay or GoG Galaxy, oops


2016 Goal Round Up

Saturday, January 7th, 2017

I still suck but I am getting better at hitting my targets


Personal goals

Overall completion:


Books read: 3 out of 10 books, including re-reads

This includes books started before 2016 and not finished.  2 years without re-reading Harry Potter, Godson is just starting to read them so good time to refresh my memory.


Films watched: 13 out of 30 films, including re-watches

Several new films and a few re-watches.  Jurassic World and the Jungle Book the best of the bunch


Seasons Watched: 30 out of 30 full seasons, including re-watches

This includes finished half seasons started in 2015, i.e The Walking Dead, NCIS.  Highlights Stranger Things,  Lie to Me which I had not seen before and Private Eyes which I’m pleased it will at least have a second season, don’t think it will survive much beyond that but it’s a good Castle replacement.


Music added to iPod: Add 264 out of 500 tracks


Website goals:

Overall completion: :)


Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page –

Added 5375 files to the gallery, target was 3000 :)


Added 475 pages and/or posts to the site, target of 400


Counterstrike Fanlisting –

Finish series 1 screen caps – Completed 0% :(


Manimal Fanlisting –

Complete series screen caps, completed 0 episodes :(

2015 Goal Round Up

Friday, January 1st, 2016

I was still rubbish at completing my goals this year :(

I did much better on my personal ones, however I do need to spend a fair bit of time on my websites, they’ve been a bit neglected lately as I’ve been working on helping someone with theirs


Personal goals

Overall completion:


Books read: 10 out of 25 books, including re-reads

This includes books started in 2014 and not finished.  I really should have re-read Harry Potter, that would have added another 7 :)


Films watched: 27 out of 30 films, including re-watches


Seasons Watched: 29 out of 40 full seasons, including re-watches

This includes finished half seasons started in 2014, i.e The Walking Dead.  Also a bit of a cheat as I watched the entire season on Forever twice :)


Music added to iPod: Add 651 out of 500 tracks, starting total 6150

My only met target for the year


Website goals:

Overall completion: :(


Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page –

Add 3500 files to the gallery.  Starting total 37,241


Add 25 pages and/or posts to the site.  Starting totals posts: 240, pages 17



Counterstrike Fanlisting –

Finish series 1 screen caps – Completed 0% :(


Manimal Fanlisting

Complete series screen caps, completed 1 episode :(

2014 Goal Round Up

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

I did rubbish on most of my goals :) I will set some slightly more achievable ones this year


Personal goals

Overall completion: 


Books read: 50 books, including re-reads – read 12!


Films watched: 100 films, including re-watches – watched 27


Music added to iPod: Add 1000 tracks, starting total 5595 – added 485


Seasons Watched: 50 full seasons, including re-watches – watched 27


Website goals:

Even better, surprisingly- Overall completion: 


Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page –

Add 5000 files to the gallery.  Starting total 34,071


Add 40 pages and/or posts to the site.  Starting totals posts: 227, pages 16



Susan George Site

Add 50 files to the gallery.  Starting total 407


Add 20 pages and/or posts to the site.  Starting totals posts: 56, pages 1



Counterstrike Fanlisting –

Finish series 1 screen caps – Starting 9 out of 22



Manimal Fanlisting

Complete series screen caps


Thursday, April 24th, 2014

I’ve finally finished Stephen King’s It, again, it’s one of my favourite books but only the second time I’ve got all the way through.  Some parts of that book I’ve read 4 times!

First attempt I was about 16, got halfway through and gave up, finally read it all the way thorough at about 21.

5 years ago I thought it was time to re-read it, one piece of advise don’t take it as hospital reading.  I associated that book with hospitals for several years and could now only pick it up again.  Next time I’m visiting someone in hospital I’m taking Harry Potter, I’ve read them so many times it will never be associated with hospitals.  I was doing really well reading every night at the start of the year but was distracted late January and have done much less reading since then.

Still a great book and I loved the 90’s mini-series, but would love to see it done full justice and stay more true to the book.

Now for something a bit lighter, I think


Sunday, January 5th, 2014

I’ve decided to set myself a few challenges for 2014.

  1. Work on my websites more regularly
  2. Read more, including Classic I should have read already
  3. Watch more films
  4. Add more music to my iPod

See goals to see how I’m doing

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