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Permission Letter

Filed under: Scrapbook — shelliwood @ 20:11

Was helping my Nan look for something over the weekend and found a letter from my Great Grandfather to my Grandfather giving him permission to marry my Nan!


2016 Goal Round Up

Filed under: Goals — Tags: — shelliwood @ 22:14

I still suck but I am getting better at hitting my targets


Personal goals

Overall completion:


Books read: 3 out of 10 books, including re-reads

This includes books started before 2016 and not finished.  2 years without re-reading Harry Potter, Godson is just starting to read them so good time to refresh my memory.


Films watched: 13 out of 30 films, including re-watches

Several new films and a few re-watches.  Jurassic World and the Jungle Book the best of the bunch


Seasons Watched: 30 out of 30 full seasons, including re-watches

This includes finished half seasons started in 2015, i.e The Walking Dead, NCIS.  Highlights Stranger Things,  Lie to Me which I had not seen before and Private Eyes which I’m pleased it will at least have a second season, don’t think it will survive much beyond that but it’s a good Castle replacement.


Music added to iPod: Add 264 out of 500 tracks


Website goals:

Overall completion: :)


Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page –

Added 5375 files to the gallery, target was 3000 :)


Added 475 pages and/or posts to the site, target of 400


Counterstrike Fanlisting –

Finish series 1 screen caps – Completed 0% :(


Manimal Fanlisting –

Complete series screen caps, completed 0 episodes :(



Filed under: Photography,Rubbish Photography — Tags: , , , — shelliwood @ 20:08

Another trip for work and another town crossed off.  Trip to the birthplace of Simon MacCorkindale :)

Only managed to get a few shots of the cathedral


Switzerland 2016

Took a trip to Switzerland the other week, here is a few pictures – Full set here

Also I don’t make a habit out of taking pictures of my food, however I did make a couple of exceptions:


London (again)

Filed under: Photography,Rubbish Photography,Scrapbook — Tags: , , , — shelliwood @ 21:43

This time for Godson #1’s birthday so we took a trip to the war museum so he could look at all the interesting planes and vehicles.  We walked across Tower Bridge and then I finally got to see the Crown Jewels . . . at Hamleys :)


London – Museums and Sunrise

Spent a few nights in London training for work, took my camera just in case. My room was on the 11th floor, so saw some nice sunrise/sunsets.

Most of the museums were closed once I finished training each day so could only take photos from the outside at night on 2 days.  One day we did finish a bit early so while most of the delegates headed to a pub I headed to the museums but still only had an hour to explore. They don’t make buildings like this anymore

Made another trip to London the following week, so had another extended walk to my destination.


2015 Goal Round Up

Filed under: Goals — Tags: — shelliwood @ 20:00

I was still rubbish at completing my goals this year :(

I did much better on my personal ones, however I do need to spend a fair bit of time on my websites, they’ve been a bit neglected lately as I’ve been working on helping someone with theirs


Personal goals

Overall completion:


Books read: 10 out of 25 books, including re-reads

This includes books started in 2014 and not finished.  I really should have re-read Harry Potter, that would have added another 7 :)


Films watched: 27 out of 30 films, including re-watches


Seasons Watched: 29 out of 40 full seasons, including re-watches

This includes finished half seasons started in 2014, i.e The Walking Dead.  Also a bit of a cheat as I watched the entire season on Forever twice :)


Music added to iPod: Add 651 out of 500 tracks, starting total 6150

My only met target for the year


Website goals:

Overall completion: :(


Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page –

Add 3500 files to the gallery.  Starting total 37,241


Add 25 pages and/or posts to the site.  Starting totals posts: 240, pages 17



Counterstrike Fanlisting –

Finish series 1 screen caps – Completed 0% :(


Manimal Fanlisting

Complete series screen caps, completed 1 episode :(


Overcast Day At The Beach

Filed under: Photography,Scrapbook — Tags: , , , , — shelliwood @ 20:43

Visited Bournemouth earlier this week.  When better to go when it’s overcast and not a lot of people about.  It was still a warm day

The next day we visited the Liberty’s Owl, Raptor and Reptile Centre.  Lots of owls, lizards and a good displays to show their abilities.  I especially liked the Speckled Owl which sounds like a guinea pig chuckling :)


Henley Royal Regatta

Filed under: Photography,Scrapbook — Tags: , , , — shelliwood @ 20:40

Managed to spend a couple of hours at Henley this week.  At one point I had a great unobstructed view of the entire length of the course.  I saw also some awesome paddle steamers




A Day in the Country

Filed under: Rubbish Photography,Scrapbook — Tags: , , , , , — shelliwood @ 14:04

I spent a day in the country, this was the closest house I could see DSC_3540

Spent the day surrounded by excitable dogs, curious cats and hard working horses.  Never did see the cat called Houdini though :)

Having lived in a major town the best part of my life I’d also never seen so many house martins and jackdaws before and I’ve just discovered how soft the skin on a horses nose is, I normally don’t get too close to animals bigger than me.


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