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Archive for January, 2018

2017 Goal Round Up

Friday, January 5th, 2018

Personal goals

Overall completion:


Books read: 0 out of 10 books, including re-reads

This includes books started before 2017 and not finished.  Still not re-read the entire Potter books again, therefore I read a grand total of 0 books.  I suck


Films watched: 11 out of 20 films, including re-watches

Not too bad, most films watched in the last week of the year.  Managed to catch Avengers: Age of Ultron, guess I have a few more films to watch now as I have to see what happened/happens


Seasons Watched: 30 out of 30 full seasons, including re-watches

This includes finished half seasons started in 2016, i.e The Walking Dead, NCIS.  Highlights Stranger Things 2 and Major Crimes (Seasons 1-5)


Music added to iPod: Add 236 out of 400 tracks


Website goals:

Overall completion: :( I did absolutely no work on my websites this year. I did move server’s tho, does that count?


Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page –

Added 0 files to the gallery, target was 1000 :(


Added 55 pages and/or posts to the site, target of 25. This was the last of the 10th Birthday posts, all the work was done last year but published this year


Counterstrike Fanlisting –

Finish series 1 screen caps – Completed 0% :(


Manimal Fanlisting –

Complete series screen caps, completed 0 episodes :(


I still cannot skate backwards :( but I did walk nearly 2.5 million steps, only 10k short

Also I think I would have been more productive had I not spent over 500 hours on Steam, tho I am still enjoying Fallout 4 and Factorio.  However this time doesn’t include any games I play on Origin, Uplay or GoG Galaxy, oops


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