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Archive for January, 2016

2015 Goal Round Up

Friday, January 1st, 2016

I was still rubbish at completing my goals this year :(

I did much better on my personal ones, however I do need to spend a fair bit of time on my websites, they’ve been a bit neglected lately as I’ve been working on helping someone with theirs


Personal goals

Overall completion:


Books read: 10 out of 25 books, including re-reads

This includes books started in 2014 and not finished.  I really should have re-read Harry Potter, that would have added another 7 :)


Films watched: 27 out of 30 films, including re-watches


Seasons Watched: 29 out of 40 full seasons, including re-watches

This includes finished half seasons started in 2014, i.e The Walking Dead.  Also a bit of a cheat as I watched the entire season on Forever twice :)


Music added to iPod: Add 651 out of 500 tracks, starting total 6150

My only met target for the year


Website goals:

Overall completion: :(


Simon MacCorkindale Fan Page –

Add 3500 files to the gallery.  Starting total 37,241


Add 25 pages and/or posts to the site.  Starting totals posts: 240, pages 17



Counterstrike Fanlisting –

Finish series 1 screen caps – Completed 0% :(


Manimal Fanlisting

Complete series screen caps, completed 1 episode :(

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