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Filed under: Books — Tags: , , — shelliwood @ 21:19

I’ve finally finished Stephen King’s It, again, it’s one of my favourite books but only the second time I’ve got all the way through.  Some parts of that book I’ve read 4 times!

First attempt I was about 16, got halfway through and gave up, finally read it all the way thorough at about 21.

5 years ago I thought it was time to re-read it, one piece of advise don’t take it as hospital reading.  I associated that book with hospitals for several years and could now only pick it up again.  Next time I’m visiting someone in hospital I’m taking Harry Potter, I’ve read them so many times it will never be associated with hospitals.  I was doing really well reading every night at the start of the year but was distracted late January and have done much less reading since then.

Still a great book and I loved the 90’s mini-series, but would love to see it done full justice and stay more true to the book.

Now for something a bit lighter, I think

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