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Archive for January, 2014

Futurama Pun

Saturday, January 25th, 2014

One of my favourites

[Discussion of the mysterious Slurm Cola]

Leela: This all must have something to do with the secret ingredient.
Fry: My God, what if the secret ingredient is people?
Leela: No, there’s already a soda like that – Soylent Cola.
Fry: Oh. How is it?
Leela: It varies from person to person.


Sunday, January 5th, 2014

I’ve decided to set myself a few challenges for 2014.

  1. Work on my websites more regularly
  2. Read more, including Classic I should have read already
  3. Watch more films
  4. Add more music to my iPod

See goals to see how I’m doing

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