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Series Library

Filed under: — shelliwood @ 21:12

I can never remember what I own so this is to help me.  I probably own more series than movies


TitleSeason/Box setCategoryWatchedFormat
Stargate: SG1Box SetSci-FiPartialBluRay
Stargate: AtlantisBox SetSci-FiPartialBluRay
AngelBox Set (1-5)YesDVD R2
BBC Natural WorldSecrets of the Maya UnderworldWebsite CollectionNoDigital
Being Human (UK)Season 5YesDVD R2
Being Human (UK)Season 2YesDVD R2
Being Human (UK)Season 4YesDVD R2
Being Human (UK)Season 1YesDVD R2
Being Human (UK)Season 3YesDVD R2
Being Human (US)Season 1PartialDVD R1
BewitchedBox SetComedyPartialDVD R2
Blood TiesSeason 1YesDVD R2
CasualtySeason 2YesDVD R2
CasualtySeason 16 - PartialWebsite CollectionYesDigital
CasualtySeason 21 - PartialWebsite CollectionYesDigital
CasualtySeason 20Website CollectionYesDigital
CasualtySeason 19Website CollectionYesDigital
CasualtySeason 18Website CollectionYesDigital
CasualtySeason 22 - PartialWebsite CollectionYesDigital
CasualtySeason 3YesDVD R2
CasualtySeason 1YesDVD R2
CasualtySeason 17Website CollectionYesDigital
CounterstrikeSeason 2Website CollectionNoDigital
CounterstrikeSeason 1Website CollectionYesDigital
CounterstrikeSeason 3Website CollectionNoDigital
Criminal MindsSeason 7CrimeYesDVD R2
Criminal MindsSeason 2CrimeYesDVD R2
Criminal MindsSeason 1CrimeYesDVD R2
Criminal MindsSeason 5CrimeYesDVD R2
Criminal MindsSeason 6CrimeYesDVD R2
Criminal MindsSeason 3CrimeYesDVD R2
Criminal MindsSeason 4CrimeYesDVD R2
DexterSeason 1CrimeYesDVD R2
DexterSeason 4CrimeYesDVD R2
DexterSeason 2CrimeYesDVD R2
DinotopiaSeason 1FantasyYesDVD R2
Dinotopia: MiniseriesBox SetFantasyYesDVD R2
Dukes of HazzardSeason 1 - 1 episodeWebsite CollectionYesDigital and DVD R1
EurekaBox SetPartialDVD R2
Falcon CrestSeason 4Website CollectionYesDigital
Falcon CrestSeason 5Website CollectionYesDigital
Forever KnightSeason 2YesDVD R1
Forever KnightSeason 3YesDVD R1
Forever KnightSeason 1YesDVD R1
Hammer House of HorrorBox SetWebsite CollectionPartialDigital and DVD R2
Hart to Hart1 episodeWebsite CollectionYesDigital
Kyle XYSeason 2Sci-FiNoDVD R1
Kyle XYSeason 1Sci-FiYesDVD R1
La Femme NikitaSeason 1 - 1 episodeWebsite CollectionYesDigital
Little BritianAbroadComedyYesDVD R2
Little BritianSeason 3ComedyYesDVD R2
Little BritianSeason 1ComedyYesDVD R2
Little BritianSeason 2ComedyYesDVD R2
Living The LifeSusan George and Robert LindsayWebsite CollectionYesDigital
ManimalSeason 1Website CollectionYesDigital and DVD R2
MASHSeason 5ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 9ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 4ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 7ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 11ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 10ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 3ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 2ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 6ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 1ComedyYesDVD R2
MASHSeason 8ComedyYesDVD R2
MoonlightSeason 1YesDVD R2
New TricksSeason 7Website CollectionPartialDigital and DVD R2
NightmanSeason 2Website CollectionPartialDigital
Poltergeist: The LegacySeason 1Website CollectionNoDigital
Poltergeist: The LegacySeason 2Website CollectionNoDigital
Poltergeist: The LegacySeason 4Website CollectionPartialDigital
Poltergeist: The LegacySeason 3Website CollectionNoDigital
Quatermass4 episodesWebsite CollectionYesDigital and DVD R2
Queen of SwordsBox SetWebsite CollectionPartialDigital and DVD R0
Relic HunterSeason 3Website CollectionPartialDigital and DVD R1
She Wolf of LondonSeason 1YesDVD R1
Songs of Praise23rd March 2008Website CollectionYesDigital
Space: Above and BeyondBox setSci-FiYesDVD R2
Star Trek: The Next GenerationSeason 7Sci-FiYesDVD R2
Star Trek: The Next GenerationSeason 2Sci-FiYesDVD R2
Star Trek: The Next GenerationSeason 3Sci-FiYesDVD R2
Star Trek: The Next GenerationSeason 5Sci-FiYesDVD R2
Star Trek: The Next GenerationSeason 1Sci-FiYesDVD R2
Star Trek: The Next GenerationSeason 6Sci-FiYesDVD R2
Star Trek: The Next GenerationSeason 4Sci-FiYesDVD R2
The 10th KingdomBox SetFantasyYesDVD R2
The Lone GunmenEpisode 1YesDigital
The Nile2 episodesWebsite CollectionNoDigital
The Secret World of Alex MackSeason 1ChildrensYesDVD R1
The Walking DeadSeason 1Horror/GoreYesBlu-Ray
The Walking DeadSeason 2Horror/GoreYesBlu-Ray
The Wright Stuff24th-28th November 2008Website CollectionYesDigital
The Wright Stuff18th April 2008Website CollectionYesDigital
The Wright Stuff20th January 2009Website CollectionYesDigital
The Wright Stuff26th September 2008Website CollectionYesDigital
The X FilesSeason 7NoDVD R2
The X FilesSeason 5YesDVD R2
The X FilesSeason 1YesDVD R2
The X FilesSeason 9NoDVD R2
The X FilesSeason 8NoDVD R2
The X FilesSeason 2YesDVD R2
The X FilesSeason 4YesDVD R2
The X FilesSeason 6YesDVD R2
The X FilesSeason 3YesDVD R2
This is Your LifeSusan GeorgeWebsite CollectionYesDigital
Tru CallingBox SetPartialDVD R2
Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza PlaceSeason 1ComedyYesDVD R2
Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza PlaceSeason 2ComedyYesDVD R2
Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza PlaceSeason 3ComedyYesDVD R2
Buffy The Vampire SlayerBox SetFantasyYesDVD R2
Stargate: UniverseBox SetSci-FiYesDVD R2
Secret World of Alex MackSeason 1ChildrensYesDVD R2
Body of ProofBox SetCrimeYesDVD R2
Lie To MeBox SetCrimeYesDVD R2

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